Your SCP-85 is powered by two AA batteries (not sup-
plied). We recommend alkaline batteries (such as Ra-
dioShack Cat. No. 23-557). You can also use
rechargeable nickel-cadmium batteries (Cat. No. 23-
125). If you use rechargeable batteries, you also need a
battery charger (Cat. No. 23-133).
• Do not mix old and new batteries, different types of
batteries (standard, alkaline, or nickel-cadmium), or
rechargeable batteries of different capacities.
• Use only fresh batteries of the required size and type.
Follow these steps to install batteries.
1. Push open the cassette compartment’s cover, then
push open the cassette compartment’s door.
14-1226.fm Page 4 Friday, July 2, 1999 9:10 AM