• Dispose of old batteries promptly and properly. Do not burn
or bury them.
At the end of a Ni-Cd rechargeable battery’s useful life, it
must be recycled or disposed of properly. Contact your local,
county, or state hazardous waste management authorities for
information on recycling or disposal programs in your area.
Some options that might be available are: municipal curb-side
collection, drop-off boxes at retailers such as your local Ra-
dioShack store, recycling collection centers, and mail-back pro-
Using AC Power
To power the CTR-116 from an AC outlet, you need an AC
adapter, such as Cat. No. 273-1454.
• The recommended adapter supplies 6 volts DC power and
delivers at least 150 milliamps. The adapter’s center tip
must be set to negative, and its plug must properly fit the
jack. Using an adapter that does not
meet these specifications could damage the CTR-116 or
the adapter.
• Be sure you connect the adapter to the CTR-116 before
you plug it into the AC outlet, and unplug the adapter from
the AC outlet before you unplug it from the CTR-116.
14-1122.fm Page 7 Wednesday, May 17, 2000 9:55 AM