page 14powered subwoofers
producing a "boomy" sound if it is located in a corner. Always try the subwoofer first in a
corner. If it sounds "boomy," move it a few feet out of the corner.
2. While your Subwoofer performs perfectly well directly on the floor, the distortion cancellation
of its push-pull design and its frequency response are best when the Subwoofer is slightly
elevated. We therefore strongly recommend that you use the enclosed feet to raise the
Subwoofer off the floor.
3. Read Section 6, (page 11) Use of the Filter Control, carefully. The setting of this control is more
critical with your MX model Subwoofer. With these models it is more likely that you will find the optimum
setting to be below the 85 Hz recommended for other models.
The MX-70 gives a very high level of performance in a compact cabinet. Therefore, it is likely to
be installed in both vertical and horizontal locations. To avoid having its inverted driver exposed in
installations where the cabinet is horizontal, the MX-70 has two speaker grills.
If you locate the MX-70 with the inverted driver firing down towards the floor, leaving the grille on
will not affect sound quality. Instead, if you want to save the grille, you can remove and store it. In its
place, use the four black caps provided with your MX-70. These caps fit over the grille pegs on the
cabinet "bottom" (where the inverted driver is located). Just snap these in place to use them as feet.
MX-1000 & MX-1000cc:
The MX-1000 and MX-1000cc Subwoofers are specially shielded for use with large-screen direct-
view monitor television sets.
Take special care when installing your MX-1000 or MX-1000cc. Like most all "shielded" speakers,
a magnetic lobe exists, directly in front of each driver (to the left and right sides of the pedestal). Your
set should not be exposed to this lobe. Therefore:
1. Do not mount the television on the MX-1000 or MX-1000cc from the side. Place it on the
pedestal from the front or the back only.
2. The television must face forward on the pedestal, perpendicular to the speaker drivers. Do
not mount the set so that it faces sideways.
Your M&K Subwoofer amplifier circuit provides high reliability, and, if necessary, easy modular
replacement of parts. This guide will help you to solve or diagnose most problems that can occur with
your Subwoofer. In the event that a fuse blows, you must replace it with a fuse of the correct value
to avoid a fire hazard and to maintain your warranty protection.
1. If your Subwoofer has no output:
a. Make sure that the Subwoofer is plugged into an AC outlet.
b. Check the "BASS LEVEL" control and make sure that it is set above the
"MIN" position. Rotate it clockwise if it is set to the "MIN" position.