Microboards Technology LLC
Copy Job Completes
The CWR-424-52 automatically ejects the drive trays after the copy finishes successfully.
The Master disc does not eject. You can use any or all of the four recorders to make copies.
The CWR-424-52 ALARMS (beeps) when an error occurs with the media and/or drive.
Discs will not be ejected and the error alarm beeps until you press the open tray button on the
drive(s) that have failed. The drives that record correctly will eject the disc when completed.
The display will show the error code. Once the trays are opened manually after the error, the
error code is cleared.
Changing Process Mode
CWR-424-52 has two process modes.
1) “Copy” mode: Copies the data from the Master CD to the blank CD-R disc(s).
Refer to the “Copy Process” section (page 4) for operations.
2) “Test copy” mode: Simulates copying the data from the Master CD to the blank disc(s). No
data is actually written to the CD-R media. After the “test copy” has completed, the system
returns to “Copy” mode.
How to change the process mode:
Press the start button 1) “Actual copy” with single “short beep”.
Press the Start button and after one beep release the button.
The unit will start the copy process. Status LED solid.
2) “Test-copy” with two “short beeps”.
Hold down the Start button until the system beeps twice.
There will be a single beep, a pause, then 2 beeps. Release
the Start button after the 2 beeps and the system will start the
test copy. Status LED blinks.
Holding down the Start button until the system beeps a single
time again, will put the system back in “Copy” mode .