4. Connections
■ Installing the SACD multi-channel
audio speakers
In order to enjoy SACD multi-channel sound with the best pos-
sible acoustics, it is recommended that the speaker systems be
laid out in compliance with the ITU-R BS.775-1 recommenda-
tion which is a standard formulated by the International Tele-
communication Union (ITU).
SACD multi-channel discs are recorded and mixed in such a
way that they will achieve the optimum effects when the
speaker systems are laid out as per the ITU-R BS.775-1 rec-
On SACD multi-channel discs, the music signals are basi-
cally recorded using 5 channels (or 3, 4 or 6 channels in
some cases). In some instances, however, LFE (for the sub
woofer) is recorded as a sixth channel.
Each disc indicates how many channels have been recorded
on it.
The basic settings are 3 speakers for front and 2 for back
since multi-channel discs have basically 5 channels
The 2-front, 1-center, and 2-surround speakers should
be set on the circle from the listening point as shown
When you use different sizes of speakers, please adjust
the volume balances.
The location of the sub-woofer in the picture is just an
example. The Sub-woofer can be located any place in
your room. (See the users manual of your sub-woofer.)
Rear speaker
(Right Surround)
Front speaker
Rear speaker
(Left Surround)
Front speaker
Reference listening
approx. 110° approx. 110°