What is Fast Recovery?
Fast Recovery refers to the
amplifier’s ability to recover
after being over-driven into
clipping. Most amplifiers’
output circuits tend to stay
“latched” in the clipping
mode, making their recovery
time relatively slow, especially
at high frequencies. Our FR
Series amplifiers incorporate
two unique circuit designs
that completely eliminate
the latching phenomena.
The first is a Baker Clamp
diode configuration, and the
second is the use of two
additional supplies that are
at a higher voltage than the
main supplies. Without get-
ting too technical, the result
is no latching and instant
recovery from overdrive.
Durability. A word
Mackie lives by.
Mackie mixers are well-
known for their ability to
withstand the abuses of the
road. Most of Mackie Designs’
employees have experience
as musicians, roadies, or
sound engineers in the real
world of music entertainment
and live sound reinforcement.
We know what kind of
punishment sound equip-
ment can be subjected to,
and our engineers know
how to design equipment
that can take it.
Pro features even
amateurs can understand.
Mackie’s FR Series power
amplifiers were designed
with professionals – and
amateurs – in mind. These
amplifiers are great for live
sound reinforcement applica-
tions as well as studio or
broadcast control rooms.
With the ability to deliver
massive amounts of current
instantly, the FR Series amp-
lifiers can handle power-
sucking subwoofers, yet
remain discriminating and
responsive when driving a
bank of delicate tweeters.
Power Output.
The M•1200 is rated at
225 watts per channel into
8Ω, 400 watts per channel
into 4Ω and 600 watts per
channel into 2Ω. In bridge
mode the M•1200 is rated
at 800 watts into 8Ω and
1200 watts into 4Ω.
The M•1400 is rated at
250 watts per channel into
8Ω, 425 watts per channel
into 4Ω and 630 watts per
channel into 2Ω. In bridge
mode the M•1400 is rated
at 850 watts into 8Ω, and
1260 watts into 4Ω.
Sustained ultra-low
impedance capability.
The FR Series power amp-
lifiers are designed to drive
low impedance loads effort-
lessly and reliably. Most power
amplifiers have difficulty
driving anything lower than
4 ohms, but the FR Series
power amplifiers can easily
drive 2 ohm loads all day
long without breaking a sweat.
This is a result of the careful
and efficient design of the
heatsink and cooling tunnels,
which keep the output devices
running as cool as possible,
along with the virtual elimi-
nation of VI limiters, which
can cause lesser amplifiers
to distort or to shut down
completely when driving
low impedance loads.
Inputs, Input Level Controls
and Metering.
The FR Series amplifiers
are equipped with balanced,
line-level input connectors
for each channel in the form
of XLR female jacks and 1/4"
TRS phone jacks. In addition,
XLR male jacks are provided
as thru connections for daisy-
chaining the input signal to
multiple amplifiers. The XLR
male thru jack is in parallel
with the XLR female jack
and the 1/4" TRS jack, and
any one can be used as an
input or thru connector.