4 English
Logitech® Wireless Speaker Z515
Power on your iPhone or iPad.4.
Select the Settings icon.5.
Select the General icon.6.
Select the Bluetooth menu, and ensure 7.
that Bluetooth is turned on.
Find the Logitech Z515 Speaker and select it.8.
Conrm that you want to connect 9.
the Z515 Speaker with your iPhone or iPad
by selecting the Pair button. A conrmation
window appears after you have selected
the Z515 Speaker. There may be a slight delay
so please wait.
Your Z515 Speaker is now connected 10.
with your iPhone or iPad.
Your Z515 Speaker will always connect to the last
connected device. So the next time you turn
on your speaker, it will connect to your iPhone or
iPad if either unit was the last connected device,
or it will connect to your computer if the USB
wireless adapter was the last connected device.
You can only connect your Z515 Speaker with
one device at a time.
If the wireless connection is lost between
your iPhone or iPad and your speaker, you will
need to follow steps 5 through 8 to re-establish
the wireless connection.
When switching from the USB wireless adapter
in your computer’s USB port to the iPhone
or iPad, make sure to remove the USB
wireless adapter from your computer before
attempting to connect to either the iPhone
or iPad. Then follow steps 5 through 8 above
and select the Z515 speaker from the iPhone
or iPad device list.
When switching from the iPhone or iPad
to the USB wireless adapter in your computer’s
USB port, ensure that your iPhone or iPad
is completely turned off or that the Bluetooth
option is turned off from the iPhone or iPad
settings menu. Then plug the USB wireless
adapter into your computer and turn on
the Z515 Speaker. The Z515 Speaker will
automatically reconnect to the USB adapter.
When your Z515 Speaker is connected to
your iPhone or iPad, you must adjust the volume
through the controls on the Z515 Speaker.
The Logitech Z515 will pair with the USB
wireless adapter and one other wireless device
(an iPad for instance). If you decide to pair an
additional wireless device to your Z515 Speaker,
the previous pairing will be lost. The pairing
between the Z515 Speaker and the USB wireless
adapter will never be overwritten.