31 2
When installing the unit without using the sleeve
In a Toyota for example, first remove the car radio and install the unit in its place.
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Note : When installing the unit on the mounting bracket, make sure to use the 8 mm-long screws. If
longer screws are used, they could damage the unit.
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When using the optional stay
‡¡◊ËÕ„™Èµ—«¬÷¥·∫∫‡≈◊Õ°‰¥È (“¡“√∂‡≈◊Õ°‡ª‘¥§È“߉«È‰¥È)
* Not included with this unit
Flat type screws (M5 x 8 mm)*
! EM5 x 8 mmF*
°√ŸÀ—«‡√’¬∫ (M5 x 8 ¡‘≈≈‘‡¡µ√)*
Flat type screws (M5 x 8 mm)*
EM5 x 8 mmF*
°√ŸÀ—«‡√’¬∫ (M5 x 8 ¡‘≈≈‘‡¡µ√)*
Screw (option)
°√Ÿ (‡≈◊Õ°‰¥È)
Stay (option)
µ—«¬÷¥ (‡≈◊Õ°‰¥È)
Fire wall
Install the unit at an angle of less than 30˚.
!"#$% 30° !
µ‘¥µ—Èß™ÿ¥ª√–°Õ∫∑’Ë¡ÿ¡µË”°«Ë“ 30 Õß»“
Removing the unit
Before removing the unit, release the rear
Insert the two handles, then pull them as illustrated so that
the unit can be removed.
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∑’˧ËÕ¬ Ê ¥÷ߧ—π∫—ߧ—∫∑—ÈßÕß Õ—πÕÕ°®“°°—π
• The fuse blows.
* Are the red and black leads connected
• Power cannot be turned on.
* Is the yellow lead connected?
• No sound from the speakers.
* Is the speaker output lead short-circuited?
• Sound is distorted.
* Is the speaker output lead grounded?
* Are the “–” terminals of L and R speakers
grounded in common?
• Noise interfere with sounds.
* Is the rear ground terminal connected to the
car’s chassis using shorter and thicker cords?
• Unit becomes hot.
* Is the speaker output lead grounded?
* Are the “–” terminals of L and R speakers
grounded in common?
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