■ Speakers x 2
■ Speaker grilles x 2
■ Speaker cutout template / paint mask x 1
If you are installing the LSC-5/LSC-5R into
an existing ceiling, take time to consider
any possible obstructions which may be
hidden inside the ceiling: ceiling joists,
electrical wiring, telephone wiring,
plumbing, AC or heating conduit and
Determine the best mounting locations
based on the room layout. Before cutting
any holes, make sure the area behind both
speakers is clear for installation. Speakers
provide the best coverage, when centered
in the room. Line up the speakers with a
permanently mounted ceiling fixture such
as can lights, or a light fixture.
If you are installing the speakers into a new
ceiling follow the above recommendations
and install a set of JobSite NCB-5 Ceiling
Brackets, prior to drywall installation.
Run speaker wire from each location to the
amplifier location. Label the speakers wires
at the amplifier end, so you know which
wire goes to each speaker.
■ Stud Locator (for existing construction)
■ Drywall saw (for existing construction)
■ Pencil (for existing construction)
■ Cordless screwdriver with No2
Philips bit
■ Wire stripper
■ Wire labels
Installation Existing
1. Use a stud locator to identify the location
of the ceiling joists on each side of the
proposed loudspeaker mounting location.
2. Mark ceiling joists’ edges, using masking
3. Repeat this process for the other
loudspeaker locations.
4. You may have to adjust the loudspeaker
mounting locations based on how the
ceiling joists line up with the proposed
speaker mounting locations.
5. Check for clearance using the following
a. Drill a 1/4” pilot hole in the center of the
intended speaker location.
b. Cut a foot-long piece of coat hanger.
c. Bend the wire, creating a right angle,
leaving 4-1/4” at one end.
d. Poke the “L-shaped” wire into the pilot
hole and turn it in a complete circle,
checking for obstructions.
e. Push it up into the ceiling cavity to
make sure you have approximately
4” of depth.
f. If the coat hanger’s movement is
obstructed by anything, fill the hole(s)
with spackle and try another location.
6. Locate the hole template and remove the
inside portion of it. The inside portion can
be used as a paint mask, if you are
painting the frame of the loudspeaker.
Use a pencil and hole template to trace
the hole outline in the desired location on
the ceiling.
8. Use a drywall saw to cut along the
penciled line.
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