COMMON VOICING: Synthesis Three uses common voicing across the front three
channels. Since identical drivers are used, each speaker has the same tonal qualities,
thus as a sound is panned from one side to the other, there will be no change in timbre.
MAGNETIC SHIELDING: All front speakers are magnetically shielded, allowing you to
place them near video monitors without generating interference or distorting the picture.
Positioning your speakers properly is critical in order to achieve the sonic performance of
a home theater. Please read the following sections to guide you in correct placement.
LEFT AND RIGHT SPEAKERS - If you have purchased the Synthesis Three Home
Media System, then the main speakers (model S3M) will serve as your left and right
speakers. If you have purchased the Synthesis Three Cinema Only System, or Cinema
Only Speaker Package, then the vertical center speakers (model S3VC) will serve as
your left and right speakers.
Since the left and right speakers have been
designed for maximum localization of sound, they
should be placed as close to the screen or televi-
sion as possible, with the center of the horns at
about the same height on the screen as actors
would be, to aid in maintaining the illusion that the
actors’ voices are coming directly from their
mouths. Ideally, you want to have the speakers
about 45 degrees apart from each other, viewed
from the listening position.
“Toeing in” or turning in the speakers towards the
listening area is optional, and its effects can
depend on the room, so it is advisable to experi-
ment with the speakers to see which orientation,
facing straight out or facing the center of the view-
ing area, yields the best results.