Insignia NS-HT51 5.1 Home Theater Speaker Package
4 Line level input These RCA jacks accept a line-level, full-range signal
from the pre-amplifier or LFE output of a receiver or
This full-range signal is processed and amplified to
power the subwoofer.
5 Polarity switch This two-position switch allows the best match of
acoustic output between the subwoofer and the
satellite speakers in the crossover frequency region
between them.
• The 0° position maintains phase from input to
• The 180° position changes the polarity by 180°.
Try both settings and pick the one that sounds best.
6 Status LED This shows the status of the subwoofer.
• Red indicates that the amplifier is plugged in and
the power switch is either off or in standby mode
with no input signal present.
• Green indicates that the amplifier is operating
with a signal present at the input from the
pre-amplifier, receiver, or power amplifier.
7 Subwoofer
This rotary control sets the upper frequency at which
the output of the subwoofer begins to roll off.
Continuously variable from 60 Hz to 160 Hz, it
matches the upper frequency characteristics of the
subwoofer to the low-frequency response of the
satellite speakers.
Recommended setting: 150 Hz.
8 Volume control
This rotary control adjusts the level of the subwoofer
and is used to balance its volume with that of the
satellite speakers.
9 Main power switch This switch controls the overall power status of the
subwoofer. It must be in the ON position for the
subwoofer to operate.
10 Fuse For continued protection, replace the fuse with the
same type and size listed.
# Component Description
NS-HT51.fm Page 6 Thursday, March 6, 2008 6:46 AM