NS-5648 5.1 Powered speakers
Problem Solution
No power • The speaker system is not turned on. Press
the On/Off button to turn on the speaker
• The speaker system is not plugged in. Plug it
• Check the power outlet to make sure that it is
providing power.
No sound • The speaker system is not getting power. See
• Speaker volume is not turned up or mute is
• Make sure that all connections are made
correctly. The most common problem when
connecting to a computer sound card is that
the connections are incorrect. Make sure that
the speakers are connected to the audio
output jack from your computer sound card
(usually green).
• The music source on your computer is not
playing or volume is turned off.
• If you still have problems, disconnect the
speaker source cable from your computer and
connect to a MP3, CD player, or other sound
source with a 3.5 mm headphone jack. If your
speakers work on this other source, you know
the speakers are working and the problem lies
with your computer or the connections.
Sound is
• Turn the volume down. If this does not work,
also check the computer operating system
volume level and decrease it if necessary.
• Adjust the computer master volume control by
balancing the volume until it is centered, then
adjust the volume levels on the speakers.