1. Connect the HDMI source to the HDMI 1.3 Over Fiber with IR sending unit’s
HDMI input port using the supplied HDMI cable.
2. Connect the RS-232 source to the HDMI 1.3 Over Fiber with IR sending unit’s
RS-232 input port using the supplied DB-9 serial cable.
3. For IR repeater functionality, please connect the IR emitter’s mini-jack (sold
separately, part # EXT-2IREMIT) into the HDMI 1.3 Over Fiber with IR
sending unit. Place the IR emitter directly on or above the IR receiver of the
desired source device.
4. Connect the HDMI 1.3 Over Fiber with IR sending and receiving units
together using one user supplied SC terminated multi-mode fi ber optic cable
and one CAT-5, CAT-5e or CAT-6 cable.
NOTE: If fi eld terminating network cable, please adhere to the TIA/EIA568B
specifi cation. Please see page 7 for more information.
5. Connect the display to the HDMI output port of the HDMI 1.3 Over Fiber with
IR receiving unit using a user supplied HDMI cable.
6. Connect the RS-232 device to the RS-232 output port of the HDMI 1.3 Over
Fiber with IR receiving unit using a user supplied DB-9 serial cable.
7. Plug the included 5V DC power supplies into the HDMI 1.3 Over Fiber with
IR sending and receiving units.
8. Power on the display fi rst and the source second.