3. Cut the material from the marked area.
4. Insert the wall box to check the size of the opening and fit. Enlarge or smooth the edges
of the opening if needed.
5. Feed cables through punch-out holes of the wall box leaving enough slack for the
speaker connections and secure them with cable clamps to provide strain relief.
6. Insert the wall box into the opening and attach it to the wall or stud, leaving the front
edge flush with the outer wall.
7. To attach a wall box to wood, use four #8 or #10 screws or 10-penny nails. A minimum
of 1/2 inch (1.3 cm) of screw threads must penetrate the wood.
Mounting to a Wall Stud
NOTE: Mounting hardware is not provided.
1. Install the speaker cables into the wall or conduit before installing the speaker mounting
2. Locate the wall stud where the mounting plate will be installed and while positioning the
mounting plate over the wall stud, mark the location of two pilot holes. Use the holes
on either side of the mounting plate so that the stud does not interfere with the speaker
wire routing, as shown below.
NOTE: A speaker wire access hole (see below) must also be cut in the wall, so
mark that hole location now with the mounting plate positioned on the wall, while
ensuring that the wall stud does not interfere with the wire routing and that the
mounting plate hides the access hole.
Mounting Screws
3. Drill the mounting plate pilot holes and cut the speaker wire access hole, as previously
4. Route the speaker cables through the wall without snagging, being sure to leave
enough slack to connect the wires to the mounting plate.
SM 3 User Guide • Installation 5