chambers and a reverberation room. Etymotic (et-im-oh-tik) means “true to the ear.” Other
Etymotic Research products include:
ER-4 MicroPro Earphones
ER-6 and 6i Isolator™ Earphones
ETYCOM™ mobile phone headset
Musicians Earplugs (custom hearing protection)
ER-20 High Fidelity earplugs
Companion Mics™ Multi-talker Noise Reduction System
61 Martin Lane • Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 • 888-389-6684
ety8™ is a trademark of Etymotic Research, Inc.
The ety8™ Earphones are covered by one or more of the following U.S. patents: #4,677,679,
#4,763,753, #5,887,070 and other patents pending.