ELAN Home Systems THP525LS Home Theater System User Manual

Page 10 © ELAN Home Systems 2005 • All rights reserved.
Setting Switches
Once the speakers are wired, mounted, and positioned correctly, use
the EQ switches to fi ne-tune the speakers based on local environ-
mental variables such as hardwood fl oors, thick draperies, etc. The
two EQ switches are labelled “EQ” (Equalizer) and “BASS”. The EQ
switch compensates for the “liveness” or “deadness” of the room
while the BASS switch cuts bass by aproximately - 20dB.
EQ Switch
Select the W (Warm) position on the EQ switch to compensate for
“live” rooms where sound bounces and refl ects from hard surfaces
like tile or hardwood fl oors, large glass surfaces/windows, stone or
brick walls, etc. Select the B (Bright) position to compensate for
“dead” rooms where sound is absorbed by soft materials like heavy
drapes, thick carpeting, upholstered furniture, etc. Use the N (Neutral)
position if no compensation is required.
BASS Switch
Select the + position for normal bass operation if the speaker is used
full-range without a subwoofer. Select the 0 position to reduce bass
frequencies by aprox. 20dB. The 0 option is designed to protect the
the speaker during high volume operation and should only be used
when a subwoofer is present in the system.