Dual DMS652 Speaker User Manual

We recommend that you will have the best results by consulting a professional installer,
but If choosing to do your own installation, please note the following:
• Make sure all moving parts and factory electrical wires are out of your way and will not
interfere after installation.
• Leave a little slack in the wire to prevent pulling or stretching.
• Use adhesive backed tie downs and wire clamps to prevent the wires from getting
caught or shorted.
• Correct speaker polarity must be observed. The polarity positive side is marked by a
(+) sign or red. Speaker that are out-of-phase will have little bass output.
• Speaker wire should be isolated from the vessel’s electrical system to avoid noise
being picked up by the receiver or amplifier.
• Speaker wire should be large enough to carry the full power of your amplifier. 14 gauge
or larger sizes are adequate.
• Be sure to give your ears consideration. Listening to loud music for extended periods
can possibly damage your hearing!