Directed Electronics VS102 Stereo Receiver User Manual

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1. Before operating your A/V selector, please read these instructions carefully.
2. Retain this manual for future reference.
3. Do not remove any WARNING stickers on the unit.
4. Ensure that A/V selector is mounted in an area where foreign objects or con-
densation can intrude into the selector.
5. This unit is designed to operate off 12VDC (vehicle battery). Verify the battery
voltage of the vehicle prior to installation.
6. Ensure that all wiring is properly connected before operating the unit.
7. The engine of the vehicle should be left running when operating the A/V selec-
tor, to preclude running the battery down.
8. Mount the A/V selector switch in an area that does not interfere with the dri-
ver’s operation of the car and in an area that will not injure the driver or pas-
sengers during an accident.
9. Do not disassemble the unit. There are no serviceable parts within the unit.
10. Before replacing a blown fuse, turn the unit off and disconnect all power. Ensure
the replacement fuse is of the same rating as the fuse being replaced.
11. If during operation the unit overheats or malfunctions, turn off the power and
contact your dealer. Do NOT disassemble the unit, there are no user servicea-
ble parts in the unit.
12. The rated operating temperature range of the unit is 0º to 70º C. Cool or warm
the vehicle to within this temperature range prior to unit operation.
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A/V selector VS102 Power harness
Source selector (qty 1) 2-DIN cables
2-IR extension cables (80”) 1-IR extension cable (195”)
© 2006 Directed Electronics - all rights reserved