Crate Amplifiers GX-140D Stereo Receiver User Manual

GX-140D Amplifier
You can program six different effects into your GX-140D:
two for the Clean Channel and four for the Overdrive
Channel. Follow these simple instructions to program
the presets:
1. Select the Clean Channel (the green led will be lit).
2. Turn the Chorus/Expander OFF (button OUT).
3. Turn the DSP Mode knob to the desired effect.
4. You have just stored the effect for the Clean Channel
with Chorus/Expander OFF. You can change the preset
any time by returning to this same channel and Chorus
selection and turning the Mode knob. The new effect
will be stored at this setting until you change it again.
•Every time you select the Clean Channel with the
Chorus/Expander “OFF” the amp recalls this effect. The
“DSP Level” control sets the effect level.
1. Select the Clean Channel (the green led will be lit).
2. Turn the Chorus/Expander ON (button IN)
3. Turn the DSP Mode knob to the desired effect.
4. Repeat for the Overdrive Channel with the Shape
and Chorus/Expander OFF, Shape and Chorus/
Expander ON, Shape ON and Chorus/Expander OFF,
Shape OFF and Chorus/Expander ON. You can change
any of the presets any time by turning the Mode knob.
The new effects will be stored at each amp setting until
you change it again.
•Every time you select one of the amp’s modes (the
Overdrive Channel, Shape and Chorus/Expander OFF,
for example) the amp recalls the effect set for that
mode. The “DSP Level” control sets the effect level.
# Name Type Description
0 Off None Bypass—no signal processing occurs.
1 Sm Rm, Bright Small Reverb 8’ x 8’ empty room with hardwood floors.
2 Sm Rm, Dark Small Reverb 8’ x 8’ carpeted room with up to four people.
3 Sm Hall, Bright Small Reverb 20’ x 40’ Rehearsal Hall, wood floors, hard walls.
4 Sm Hall, Dark Small Reverb 20’ x 40’ carpeted Rehearsal Hall with draped walls and up to 30 people.
5 Lg Hall, Bright Large Reverb 50’ x 100’ empty Rehearsal Hall, 20’ ceilings.
6 Lg Hall, Dark Large Reverb 50’ x 100’ Rehearsal Hall with up to 50 friends and crew.
7 Avg Club, Bright Large Reverb 500 capacity empty club, wood floors, afternoon sound check.
8 Avg Club, Dark Large Reverb 500 capacity club, wood floors, stuffed with people.
9 Cncrt Hall, Brt Large Reverb 5,000-seat Concert hall, hard back wall, afternoon sound check.
10 Cncrt Hall, Dark Large Reverb 5,000-seat Concert hall, sold out show.
11 Stadium Large Reverb 40,000-seat round Stadium, afternoon sound check, 100 crew & VIPs only.
12 Gated rev, Med Special Reverb Studio Effect–Engineer cuts off reverb slightly after each note. (220ms Gate)
13 Gated rev, Long Special Reverb Studio Effect—Engineer lets note ring, then cuts it off. (350ms Gate)
14 Plate Reverb Special Reverb Studio Effect—Simulates Steel Plate Reverb.
15 Traditional Rev Spec Rev. Studio Effect—Simulates old-fashioned multi-spring tube reverb unit.
16 Slapback, Short Delay 125ms delay + small reverb; Elvis’ favorite.
17 Slapback, Med Delay 350ms delay + small reverb; Rockabilly special.
18 Slapback, Long Delay 557ms delay only, 630’ travel time of sound.
19 Sh Md Surf Echo Echo 85ms delay with 14.2% regen. & small reverb.
20 Sh Hd Surf Echo Echo 85ms delay with 27.3% regeneration.
21 Sh/Med Md Surf Echo 280ms delay with 21.8% regen & small reverb.
22 Md Sft Surf Echo Echo 335ms delay with 12.5% regeneration.
23 Md Hd Surf Echo Echo 335ms delay with 26.5% regen. & small reverb.
24 Md Glass Echo Echo 335ms delay with 43.7% regeneration.
25 Lg Sft Surf Echo Echo 485ms delay with 7.8% regeneration.
26 Lg Md Surf Echo Echo 485ms delay with 20.3% regeneration.
27 Lg Hd Surf Echo Echo 485ms delay with 39.2% regen & small reverb.
28 Infinite Delay Special Eff. 506ms delay with over 90% regeneration.
29 Thickener Special Eff. 33ms-based sound fattener @ selected freqs.
30 Multi-Tap Special Eff. Multi-thickener with some subtle delays added.
31 Reverse Special Eff. “Backwards masking” effect (number nine, number nine,...)