Before You Begin
Whoa Nelly...Just because they’re passive, don’t mean they’re weak, so here are some things you need to know before you start
The Cerwin-Vega! subwoofers covered in this manual are designed for portable applications in which the speakers will be stacked
directly on the floor, stage or a solid, stable platform. Cerwin-Vega! does not support suspension of the subwoofer models
covered in this manual nor are these models intended for fixed installation in outdoor or high moisture environments. Moisture
can damage the speaker cone and surround and can cause corrosion of electrical contacts. Avoid exposing the speakers to direct
moisture. Keep speak ers out of extended or intense direct sunlight. The driver suspension will prematurely dry out and finished
surfaces may degrade from long-term exposure to intense ultra-violet (UV) light.
Cerwin-Vega! subwoofers can generate substantial acoustic energy. When placed on a slippery surface such as polished wood
or linoleum, the speaker may move due to its acoustical energy output. Precautions should be taken to assure that the speaker
does not fall off a stage or table on which it is placed. You wouldn’t want that go-go dancer on the speaker to get hurt, now
would you?
Cerwin-Vega! CVP subwoofers include a receptacle cup to allow mounting of a satellite speaker on top of the subwoofer using a
standard 35mm speaker pole shaft. When using a standard speaker pole shaft, be sure to observe the following precautions:
o Check the speaker pole shaft specifications to be certain it is designed to support the weight of the speaker.
o Observe all safety precautions specified by the speaker pole shaft manufacturer.
o Always verify that the subwoofer is placed on a flat, level, and stable surface.
o Even though it would be funny , route cables so that performers, production crew, audience and drunk
people do not trip over them, top pling the speaker. Remember—think safety first!
o Always be cautious in windy, outdoor conditions as the stability of the entire system may be compromised.
Cerwin-Vega! subwoofers are easily capable of generating sound pressure levels (SPL) sufficient to cause permanent hearing
damage to performers, production crew and audience members. Caution should be taken to avoid prolonged exposure to SPL in
excess of 90 dB.