The GeoBulb
— A Quantum Leap in Lighting
Even though C. Crane is a small company we have
developed the first viable direct-replacement LED light
bulb that is as bright as a 60-Watt incandescent bulb.
Itʼs called the GeoBulb
and itʼs going to change things.
While the GeoBulb
brings LED light bulbs up to the
brightness of incandescent bulbs, it still maintains the
qualities that make LEDs so very exceptional: they last
30,000 hours, generate very little heat and arenʼt susceptible to vibrations
or repeated on/off switching. Through the use of quantum-well technolo-
gy, the GeoBulb
uses only about 10% of the power of incandescent
bulb and about half of a comparable CFL.
One of the obstacles to producing a long-lasting, bright LED Light Bulb
was that the components in an LED bulb would often fail before the
LEDs. C. Craneʼs Ralph Guest and Jarl Johansen worked together with
our dedicated partners to overcome this obstacle. By incorporating mate-
rials developed for use in space they came up with solutions that make it
possible for the GeoBulb
to carry an impressive three-year warranty.
This warranty is valid even if the bulb is used 24 hours a day, seven days
a week, for three consecutive years.
Not only will the GeoBulb
reduce your monthly energy bill, it will also cut
back on how often you have to replace light bulbs and how often you
have to deal with the potential ladder hazards of changing a bulb.
We believe the GeoBulb
will provide you with the best in energy effi-
cient lighting, while also helping you reduce your energy consumption.
We are very proud and have worked hard to be able to offer you the
in a time when we are all very conscious of energy cost and
our environment.
The GeoBulb
now uses about 7 Watts of power to put out as much light
as a 60-Watt incandescent bulb. The GeoBulb™ has even been meas-
ured to be 14% brighter than a 60-Watt incandescent
bulb off the top half of the bulb. It has passed both
conductive and radiated emission tests from the FCC
and also passed UL safety tests. The GeoBulb
designed for indoor use only, in an open fixture, with-
in a temperature range from 14°F to 104°F.
The GeoBulb
is expensive in the beginning and the
price does reflect our costs. As with all emerging
technology, as production increases the price will of
course drop. In the meantime, we thank you for your
trust. Along with your purchase comes a big “thank
you” from all of us at C. Crane.
G eo Bu lb
G eo Bu lb
1-800-522-8863 (TUNE)