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No sound 1. Power cord not plugged in. 1. Reconnect power cord.
(‘on’ LED not illuminated) 2. Power off at AC source. 2. Check AC switch or fuse.
3. AC power inlet fuse blown or 3. Check for shorts or
faulty. overloading.
4. Control switch in the wrong 4. Place control switch in
position. proper position (page 9).
No sound on some or all 1. Speaker leads loose or 1. Tighten, repair, or
selected channels (‘on’ faulty. replace cable
LED illuminated) 2. Line stage to amp. cables 2. Tighten, repair or replace
loose. or faulty. cable
3. Source to line stage cables 3. Tighten, repair or replace
loose or faulty. cable
4. Line stage or source not 4. Check all switch settings.
correctly selected.
Sound lacks direction, 1. Speakers connected out of 1. Check connections
bass weak phase. making sure that cables
are connected (+) to (+)
and (-) to (-).
Loud hum or buzz on one 1. Poor ground connection in 1. Check all connectors and
or more channels interconnect cables. repair as necessary.
Channel sounds distorted 1. Blown rail fuse. 1. Replace blown rail fuse
and low in output inside amplifier.
** Note
If unit continues to blow power inlet fuses,
have it serviced
Under normal use, the amplifier will not require any special care. Over time you may
wish to clean the exterior of the unit by wiping it with a damp cloth to remove any dirt of
dust that accumulates on it. Do not let any liquid enter the amplifier thru the vents in
the top cover. You may clean the connectors on the back panel with isopropyl alcohol