Behringer B2030P Speaker User Manual

7 TRUTH B2031P/B2030P User Manual
The BEHRINGER TRUTH B2030P/B2031P is a so-called near-eld monitor,
whichmeans that the impact of the room acoustics on the sound will be reduced
considerably owing to the short distance between speaker and listener.
Fig. 3.2: Incorrect speaker setup
This illustration shows how you shouldn’t do it: you can clearly see that a portion
of the sound bounces back from the walls before it reaches the listener’s ears.
Thus, direct and reected sound waves overlap which results in a coloration of
the sound.
Fig. 3.3: Correct speaker setup
This eect can be reduced by turning the speakers towards the listener. To make
reections from ceiling or oor less likely, the tweeters should be on the same
height as your ears. Please note that the TRUTH should be operated vertically.
Where this is impossible, place it horizontally as shown in the illustration
(i.e.woofers closer to each other), to allow for an improved stereo image.
Fig. 6.4: TRUTH setup horizontally
Not only the physical location of speakers but also the acoustic characteristics
of the room have a substantial eect on the way your TRUTH sounds. Make sure
that the room neither sounds too hall-like nor too dull—basically, neither like a
bathroom nor totally without an echo. You can alter the room acoustics easily by
installing or removing carpets, curtains or furniture. Fabric covering on the wall
opposite the speakers might be a good idea if the room is too reective. The next
chapter describes how to adapt the TRUTH to the room acoustics, once it has been
set up properly.
3.3 Adapting the TRUTHs to the
To acoustically adapt your TRUTH to your control room, in cases when the
speakers are located in unusual places or when you have specic sound
requirements, you may have to use an external equalizer. It should be connected
in the signal path between your mixing console and your amp.
The BEHRINGER ULTRACURVE PRO DEQ2496 has proven its usefulness in practice,
as it is not only a simple equalizer but also features a real-time analyzer. You can
use our measuring microphone ECM8000 to automatically adapt the TRUTH to
your room or modify its frequency response.
As a general rule, you should set up and adjust the TRUTHwith great care.
Aboveall, you should take your time: unlike hi- speakers, the TRUTH is tuned to
produce a neutral sound, which can be confusing when you are working for the
rst time with such a high-quality speaker. Don’t try to adjust the TRUTH with an
equalizer to produce a “bombastic” sound that impresses you or other listeners.
To get a feeling for the TRUTH’s sound, you should listen to as many records as
possible that were produced in other studios. We also recommend that you listen
to your own recordings over as many other systems as possible, for example,
your car system. If you nd that your mixes are somewhat “dull” in their overall
sound, the reason might be too much treble from your TRUTH. On the other hand,
if you set the bass level too high, you will nd that your mixes lack bass power.
Tuning a speaker can take several days’ time, so once again: take your time!