Audiovox Stereo System Stereo System User Manual

Each monitor will have its O\\"D selector station. The station consists of a S-lX>sition rotaJY S\\itch. 1/8"
stereo headphone jack. and a volume control. The rotary SYfitch has five different selections to choose
from (Off, Radio, Video I, Video 2, Video 3). In the "00- position there is no IX>wei to the unit In the
-Radio" position there is audio to the headphone system, but the LCD monitor mIl be off. In the three
different "Video- IX>sitions you will select bern.een what options were chosen for your vehicle. For the
unit to operate all three "Video" ]X>sitions, the \ideo sources (example: Video Cassette Player) must have
power turned on at the units.
Plug in an 118" stereo headphone jack into the headphone jack on the selector station to get your audio.
.The volume control beside the jack will adjust the audio level. In "Radio" mode the radio system \ltill
deliver sound to the selector station. If the audio is not loud enough or too loud. then adjust the volume
control at the radio source for a desired audio Ie\.el to give the volume control the best range of operation.
See Figure 3 belo~..
Note: When turning unit from a "Video" source to the "Radio" source the LCD panel will be lit for a
split-second and then shut-off. This is nonnal operation for the unit.
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The distribution OOx is the heart of the FlexVision system. This OOx distributes all of the \ideo and audio
signals to the proper monitor. This gives each person using the S)'stem the flexibility to choose ~.hat
they want to do regardless of \\'hat an)-body else in the vehicle is doing. For example: one person could
be watching television, another person playing a vicko game, another watching a video tape, and yet
another listening to the radio. Each distribution box can drive up to four monitors (optional) and selector
stations. Figure 6 shows a basic setup diagram emphasizing the Signal Distribution Box.