
Painting the Speaker
A paint shield is included in the AS8SW speaker package.
A paint shield is included in the AS8SW speaker package.
Place the paint shield inside the frame to protect the speak-
Place the paint shield inside the frame to protect the speak-
er. You can now safely paint the speaker frame to match
er. You can now safely paint the speaker frame to match
your wall surface if you desire.
your wall surface if you desire.
When painting the grill caution should be taken to ensure
When painting the grill caution should be taken to ensure
that paint does not clog or block the perforated openings in
that paint does not clog or block the perforated openings in
the grill. This would prevent full operation from the speaker.
the grill. This would prevent full operation from the speaker.
Removing the AS8SW Subwoofer
Removing the AS8SW Subwoofer
Should it ever become necessary to remove the AS8SW
Should it ever become necessary to remove the AS8SW
speaker from the wall, simply remove the grill and turn the
speaker from the wall, simply remove the grill and turn the
four mounting screws counter-clockwise until the doglegs
four mounting screws counter-clockwise until the doglegs
lock out of position in their resting seat.
lock out of position in their resting seat.
Recommended Speaker Wire Gauges
Recommended Speaker Wire Gauges
The resistance of the speaker wire in your installation can
The resistance of the speaker wire in your installation can
cause your subwoofer to perform at less than an optimum
cause your subwoofer to perform at less than an optimum
quality level. Excess resistance, caused by using an under-
quality level. Excess resistance, caused by using an under-
sized speaker wire, can result in loss of detail and defi nition
sized speaker wire, can result in loss of detail and defi nition
in the low frequency region of your audio program, as well as
in the low frequency region of your audio program, as well as
a loss of dynamic range.
a loss of dynamic range.
To prevent this effect in your installation, we have recom-
To prevent this effect in your installation, we have recom-
mended speaker wire gauges that should not exceed 0.5
mended speaker wire gauges that should not exceed 0.5
Ohms resistance over the recommended length of wire run.
Ohms resistance over the recommended length of wire run.
For the AS8SW subwoofer, we suggest the following mini-
For the AS8SW subwoofer, we suggest the following mini-
mum speaker wire gauge be used:
mum speaker wire gauge be used:
50’ or less – 16 Gauge 2-Cond. CL3
50’ or less – 16 Gauge 2-Cond. CL3
50’ – 150’ – 12 Gauge 2-Cond. CL3
50’ – 150’ – 12 Gauge 2-Cond. CL3
150’ – 200’ – 10 Gauge 2-Cond. CL3
150’ – 200’ – 10 Gauge 2-Cond. CL3