connections • chapter 2
24 PEQ-450 Reference Manual
Balanced I/O
Some recording consoles have balanced sends and returns for the
main output bus. If your recording console has these connections,
use a balanced TRS cable to connect the left main insert send to the
INPUT of the equalizer, and another balanced TRS cable to
connect the equalizer’s left
OUTPUT to the left insert return. Repeat
these steps for the right main insert.
You can also simply connect the balanced main outputs of the mixer
to the inputs of the PEQ-450, then connect the outputs of the
equalizer to the inputs of your mixdown recorder, monitor system,
Connecting to the inserts on an instrument
Unbalanced I/O
The insert sends on a guitar or bass amp are usually labeled "effects
send and return" or "insert send and return". This allows you to
amplify your instrument before compressing it and sending it to the
power amp.
EQ Out
Effects Send
Another method would be to insert the PEQ-450 between the
preamp and the power amp, if you are using a two-piece system.
You should never put the equalizer between the power amp and the
speaker, the high-powered levels created by the power amp will
damage the unit.