
EDMO Distributors, Inc. Call for Pricing!
EDMO Distributors, Inc. Call for Pricing!
ta c t i c a L aU d i o co n t r o L L e r
The N301A provides upgraded performance in a plug compatible replacement for the
A301-6. Many improvements have been incorporated such as extensive noise suppres-
sion and fully floating inputs to remove ground-loop or common mode noise. Both
high and low impedance headsets are supported and mic outputs can be individually
adjusted for each transceiver.
The N301A can be utilized in new installations where single or multiple user networks
(up to 10 stations) are required. User controlled features of the N301A include split
RX and ICS volume controls, VOX squelch control, an additional RX input for the
AUX TX position and an extra Nav Aid position. Additional internal inputs have
been added to improve airframe alerting capability. Each panel is self-contained, with
solid state modular plug-in construction, sealed switching devices for low noise and
gold switch/relay contacts for long life. Other features of the N301A include a CVR
output, TX annunciator light, Emergency mode switch, and a second connector to
permit supplemental inputs with two additional ICS buses (PVT & NAT) to support
more complex ICS networks. A VOX circuit and front panel control on the N301A
series provide the convenience of voice activated intercom.
NAT offers the N301A in standard configurations or customized panel layouts, with 5
VDC or 28 VDC standard Blue/White lighting, plus optional NVG compatible light-
ing. Approved & in use by: DHS, DOS, US ARMY, USAF
Multiple Faceplate
Congurations Available
Call for P/N &
P/N: N301A
an a L o g pU B L i c se r v i c e Ba n d ra d i o
di g i t a L pU B L i c se r v i c e Ba n d ra d i o
This USFS compliant radio was specifically designed to fulfill contract required
functionality. The synthesized frequency-agile transceiver allows easy access to all pre-
programmed channels and the ability to modify or add channels on the fly.
At less than 2” high and 3 lb., NAT’s self-contained panel mount NPX138 radios are
designed as stand-alone units for the single mission user. The lightweight state-of-
the-art compact design is perfect for the space and weight restricted environment of a
helicopter or light fixed-wing aircraft.
Each of the 100 memory channels available can store a receive frequency with CTCSS
tone, a transmit frequency with CTCSS tone, scan function and an alpha-numeric
identifier on a 32 character LED display. Transmit power of 1 or 10 watts is easily
selectable from the front of the NPX. Operating Frequency: 138- 174 MHz
The optional synthesized two channel guard receiver allows front panel tuning of user
frequencies, ensuring communication integrity during complex flight operations. Each
individual channel is operator selectable for wide (5 kHz deviation) and narrow band
(2.5 kHz deviation) operation. DTMF encoding and direct keyboard programming
can be added using NAT’s DTE12.
Panel lighting is available in either 28, 14 or 5 VDC controlled through the aircraft
dimmer bus. NVG compatible lighting is optional.
AWR Approved in UH-60, UH-1 & CH-47
P/N: NPX138N-070
This digital radio is a complete, self contained VHF panel mount APCO Project 25
compliant transceiver, capable of transmitting and receiving over the entire VHF band
(136.000 - 173.997 MHz). An internal frequency agile synthesized guard receiver, and
soft push button keypad are standard equipment. Operation is Project 25 and conven-
tional Analog Simplex or Semi-Duplex.
Designed to Advanced Industry Standard: APCO Project 25 FDMA common air
interface for complete interoperability.
Multi-Mode: Digital P25 and Analog wideband/narrowband, 16 zones, 257 channels
total. Available with or without 2-Channel Sythesized Guard
Operating Frequency: 136 - 174 MHz
Backward Compatible: with existing wideband and narrowband analog FM systems
on a channel for channel basis.
Future Options: Secure Transmissions: SBCF DES wideband analog encryption;
APCO Project 25 narrowband digital OFB DES encryption option, will be available
in future. Available to Federal, State & Local Gov. Agencies via
WSCA Contract #02702
P/N: NPX136D-070
NAT’s family of self contained panel mount FM transceivers are designed as stand-
alone, mission specific radios. Their lightweight compact design is perfect for the space
and weight restriction of helicopters and light fixed wing aircraft. Incorporating NAT’s
proven, user friendly Tac/Com II™operating system, the NPX series is simple to pro-
gram and easy to use. Main volume control and a scan select switch are conveniently
located beside the display. The squelch test, channel up/down, and display brightness
controls are easily identified along the bottom of the panel. A separate guard volume
and guard transmit select switch is provided. With no complex patterns or codes to
memorize, the NPX’s straight forward controls and online “Help” screens insure intui-
tive operation. PC software is available for fast, convenient programming of complete
channel information. The capability to upload and download NPX channels allows
users to store multiple sets of operating frequencies for quick transitions between con-
tract assignments. These compact radios incorporate solid chassis construction, user
friendly controls and are tested to stringent aircraft environmental standards. Whether
the mission is forestry, law enforcement, business communications or other applica-
tions, the NPX family of radios will satisfy the most demanding operational needs.
npX se r i e s ge n e r a L de s c r i p t i o n
Un i v e r s a L ra d i o in t e r F a c e
The AA34-300 addresses the interface and switching requirements of mobile radios
and telephones allowing them to be integrated with an aircraft audio system. The
unit provides microphone excitation, impedance and level matching, relay keying and
sidetone generation, all fully isolated from aircraft ground. The unit features floating
key lines, radio audio, sidetone and microphone amplifiers, floating audio lines in and
out, internal mic exciter with adjustable output and internally selectable functions and
levels. Approved & in use by: US ARMY, USFS, USAF, DOS
P/N: AA34-300
p2000 tr a n s c e i v e r sy s t e m
The newest member of the Flexcomm family – the new P-2000 digital/analog
tactical FM radio – was designed to provide maximum communications capability
for aircraft with limited space. In addition to the efficient panel-mounted design, the
multi-band P-2000 features a brilliant color LCD display that highlights critical
information in an easy to read format.
The P-2000 delivers P-25 functionality and interoperability on one or two public
service bands, yet its small Dzus rail footprint belies its robust performance on the
VHF, UHF and 800 MHz bands. The system also provides maximum flexibility for
those applications requiring separate crew and/or pilot radio control.
It’s a focused and versatile solution for those who communicate on the tactical
environment, and the P-2000 is ideal for airborne law enforcement, air medical
rescue, homeland defense and other public service operators.
Call for Conguration & Pricing Information
P/N: P-2000
Tactical Communications Equipment