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Spec Sheet
Ground-Mounted Amplifiers
As mobile usage continues to increase, service providers are faced with the challenge of optimizing
and expanding their wireless networks to provide new and existing services. ADC’s ClearGain
Ground-Mounted Amplifiers (GMAs) minimize the cost of network expansion and improve quality
of service, allowing service providers to increase profitability from new and existing services.
ClearGain GMAs improve signal quality by boosting the uplink signal of a mobile system to
increase receiver performance and improve overall coverage.
• Slim,stackabledesignconservesrackspaceandeliminatestowerclimbs
• Advancedfilteringmaintainsthelowestpossiblenoisefigureforimproved
• HighlyadvancedLNAamplifiesRXsignalforimprovedreceiverperformance
and increase in coverage
• Dualduplexfeaturereducesthenumberoffeedercablerunsbyprovidingsimultaneous
• Modularsystemisfullycompatiblewithallbasestations
• PowerandalarmingforuptothreeGMAunits