I got this about an year a go. and never used it but twice? now I want to use it and every disk no matter what say's no disk??? Can you help ? I have cleaned the lens .

Asked by ken on 07/02/2008 5  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years, 4 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
0 I have the same problem, only used it about 2 times and it has been sitting in the same position for the past few years. Cd door will not open and it reads erroe
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0 If anyone ever has this problem, for me it was that the cds that were in the tray fell back behind the tray. If that's the case, you need to move the machine around until it does not detect them anymore, then when you can open the cd tray, lean the machine forwards so that the cds fall out through the front.
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0 If anyone ever has this problem, for me it was that the cds that were in the tray fell back behind the tray. If that's the case, you need to move the machine around until it does not detect them anymore, then when you can open the cd tray, lean the machine forwards so that the cds fall out through the front.
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0 If anyone ever has this problem, for me it was that the cds that were in the tray fell back behind the tray. If that's the case, you need to move the machine around until it does not detect them anymore, then when you can open the cd tray, lean the machine forwards so that the cds fall out through the front.
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0 If anyone ever has this problem, for me it was that the cds that were in the tray fell back behind the tray. If that's the case, you need to move the machine around until it does not detect them anymore, then when you can open the cd tray, lean the machine forwards so that the cds fall out through the front.
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0 If anyone ever has this problem, for me it was that the cds that were in the tray fell back behind the tray. If that's the case, you need to move the machine around until it does not detect them anymore, then when you can open the cd tray, lean the machine forwards so that the cds fall out through the front.
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0 If anyone ever has this problem, for me it was that the cds that were in the tray fell back behind the tray. If that's the case, you need to move the machine around until it does not detect them anymore, then when you can open the cd tray, lean the machine forwards so that the cds fall out through the front.
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0 If anyone ever has this problem, for me it was that the cds that were in the tray fell back behind the tray. If that's the case, you need to move the machine around until it does not detect them anymore, then when you can open the cd tray, lean the machine forwards so that the cds fall out through the front.
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