How do I hook up wireless, remote speakers?

Asked by Ron on 02/08/2014 1  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 10 years, 10 months ago

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5 The simple answer is you can't. This is because the wireless speakers are actively powered, meaning they have their own built in power amplifiers, the technics SAGX790 is a power amplifier meant to take in an ac signal (sound, from a cd player, pc etc) and amplify to then power speakers (like these: notice the black and red connections which are he inputs from the receiver. The wireless speakers should have a wireless transmitter which transmits the sound to them both, if yours is broken you could try searching the serial number on Google for a replacement transmitter. You could however take apart your wireless speakers, remove the built in power amp and wire the cones inside parallel to each other and then parallel to the amp, this would not be a good idea as this would void any warranty you have and possibly damage the speakers.
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