I require operating manual

Asked by Ray on 03/28/2008 1  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years, 10 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
0 Hi Ray Sorry - I don't have a manual for the CDC 680. I recently bought a business in rural New South Wales, Australia - a 160-year old coaching inn which was converted into a restaurant about 30 years ago. My wife and I are renovating the building after many years of neglect and reestablishing the business following several years of closure. We inherited, amongst other things, a sound system based on a Sherwood amp and a CDC 680. I won't even describe the speakers or the amazing way they were wired up - suffice it to say that they have all been replaced with new hi-fi speakers (many mounted in old wooden radio cabinets sitting on the mantelpieces of individual dining rooms - the original guest quarters back in coaching days). What I have to contribute is that the CDC 680 seems to meet my requirements admirably with one exception: when I program it to randomly select tracks from all five CDs, it seems at the limits of its capabilities. Some days it will play on for hours, others it will get confused and give up after a couple of tracks. If I ever find a manual I will be glad to share it with you. In the meantime, I would welcome any suggestions on how I might solve this problem. Good luck Kerry
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