
Asked by on 01/25/2010 3  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 14 years, 11 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
0 I see a few folks posted this subject but I can't seem to access the responses if there were any. My problem is the same. Suddenly before Xmas it started shutting itself off in the middle of a CD. Now it shuts itself off after just a few bars are played. I noticed the timer indicator is flashing, but there are no timers set, no sleep timer or auto-on or off timers, and I cannot seem to clear or reset the system. If you have any ideas, help would be appreciated.
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0 I see a few folks posted this subject but I can't seem to access the responses if there were any. My problem is the same. Suddenly before Xmas it started shutting itself off in the middle of a CD. Now it shuts itself off after just a few bars are played. I noticed the timer indicator is flashing, but there are no timers set, no sleep timer or auto-on or off timers, and I cannot seem to clear or reset the system. If you have any ideas, help would be appreciated.
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