I dont have the manual seemed to have missed laced and wondering how to set the clock

Asked by mac on 12/27/2008 1  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
0 Con la minicadena en standby 1. Presiona Clock/Timer hasta que el reloj parpadee 2. Pulsar Memory 3. Usar Volume +/- para ajustar hora 4. Pulsar de nuevo Memory 5. Usar Volume +/- para ajustar minutos 6. Pulsar de nuevo Memory. Mi inglés es muy pobre, pero intentaré explicarlo lo mejor que pueda: While your CD player is off 1. Press Clock/Timer button and keep it until clock blink 2. Press Memory button 3. Use Volume +/- buttons for hour adjust 4. Press Memory button 5. Use Volume +/- button for minute adjust 6. Finally press Memory button. Your system clock is adjusted! I hope it´s util for you.
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