Unable to connect my laptop with Sylvania Headphones, it keeps playing different channel from radio but does not connects with sound from my laptop even scanning for hours.

Asked by m_lkng on 11/14/2010 2  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 14 years, 2 months ago

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2 They won't work with bluetooth. They only work with the FM transmitter that came with the headphones. Plug the transmitter into the laptop audio out jack, turn on the transmitter, then turn on the headphones and set the swtich to H (not R). Press reset, then keep hitting scan until it picks up the transmitter which will broadcast the laptop audio via FM.
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0 Is there a light on the transmitter? I'm currently returning the same headphones. The computer audio worked for a day and no longer works. I think that I remebered a transmitter having a green/red light on the front. I did switch the batteries, checked that the switch was on and I made sure that the batteries and switch were set correctly to the H. Scanned several times and tried pressing reset to no avail.
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