A storm knocked the power out at my house. Now that it's back on, I can't get the receiver to switch on. I get a blinking red light around the ON/STANDBY button. I press that and it goes full red. When I press the small ON button to the right, the large ON/STANDBY button flashes green for a few seconds then shuts off again. What do I need to do?

Asked by Mike Campbell on 07/05/2014 1  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 10 years, 4 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
5 The symptoms you describe could indicate a number of things, according to the manual. These are: 1. The protection circuit has activated due to a rise in internal temperature. If this is the case, turn the unit off and wait for it to cool down. Put it in a well-ventilated area once it's cool, and turn it on again to check if it works. 2. The protection circuit has activated due to an error with the core wires. If this is the case, unplug the power, twist the speakers' core wires tightly and reconnect them. This may also happen if a core wire is touching the unit's rear panel; make sure this is not the case and then try again, 3. Speakers with an incorrect impedance are being used. If this is the case, your only option is to use speakers with the specified impedance, which is (according to the user's manual) between 6 and 16 ohms. However, since your problem only occurred after a storm, it is possible that the speakers themselves were damaged by a power surge and no longer have the correct impedance. Test the speakers on another system if possible to ensure that they are not the issue. 4. If none of the above fixes your issue, the manual advises calling a Denon service centre, as the set will likely have been damaged beyond the point at which a customer can fix it. Hopefully points 1-3 will solve your problem. If you wish to access the manual online, it can be found at http://assets.denoneu.com/DocumentMaster/UK/Bed_AVR-1508.pdf
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