Sony HT-K250 Home Theater System User Manual

Other Operations/Settings
filename[\\Nas-data-server\SONY Current jobs\SONY HT-
model name1[HT-K250]
By adjusting the surround and level parameters,
you can customize the sound fields to suit your
particular listening situation.
Position your speakers and do the procedures
described in “6: Placing speakers” (page 10) and
“Checking if the sound comes from all
speakers” (page 15) before you customize a
sound field.
Adjusting the speaker level
and balance
You can adjust the balance and level of each
speaker. Sit in the listening position, then adjust
the test tone to sound the same level. These
settings are applied to all sound fields.
1 Press MASTER VOL +.
(Optimal volume level: Between 20–30.)
2 Press TEST TONE.
You will hear the test tone from each
speaker in sequence.
Front (left) t Center t Front (right) t
Surround (right) t Surround (left) t
3 Press MAIN MENU repeatedly to select
LEVEL menu.
4 Move the V/v/B/b button up or down
to select the parameter.
5 Move the V/v/B/b button to left or
right to select the setting.
To make more precise adjustment, start playing a
source encoded with multi channel surround effects
(DVD, etc.), then adjust the level and balance while
listening to the source.
The system employs a test tone with a frequency
centered at 800 Hz.
You can adjust the level of all speakers at the same
time. Turn VOL/PRESET TUNING on the control
center or press MASTER VOL +/– on the remote.
The front balance, surround balance, center level,
surround level, and subwoofer level are shown in the
display during adjustment.
To enjoy the better sound quality, do not turn the
volume of the subwoofer too high.
LEVEL menu parameters
xFront speaker balance ( BAL.)
Initial setting: midpoint (BALANCE)
Lets you adjust the balance between front left
and right speakers. You can adjust from L (+1 –
+8) to R (+1 – +8) in 1 increment steps.
xSurround speaker balance
( BAL.)
Initial setting: midpoint (BALANCE)
Lets you adjust the balance between surround
left and right speakers. You can adjust from L
(+1 – +8) to R (+1 – +8) in 1 increment steps.
xCenter speaker level (CTR)
Initial setting: 0 dB
You can adjust from –10 dB to +10 dB in 1 dB
xSurround speaker level (SURR)
Initial setting: 0 dB
You can adjust from –10 dB to +10 dB in 1 dB
xSubwoofer level (S.W.)
Initial setting: 0 dB
You can adjust from –10 dB to +10 dB in 1 dB
xDolby DRC
Initial setting: STD
When you listen to DVDs at low volume levels,
you can compress the dynamic range and finely
adjust for low-level sound. For details, see
“Making the low-level sound clear (DOLBY
DRC)” on page 22.
Adjusting the surround
parameter (EFFECT)
This parameter lets you adjust the “presence” of
the current surround effect. This effect is
available for the sound fields except for “A.F.D.
AUTO”, “A.F.D. Pro Logic”, “A.F.D. PL II
Initial setting: EFFECT 10
Customizing sound fields