Sony HT-K25 Home Theater System User Manual

Other Operations/Settings
LEVEL menu parameters
x Front speaker balance (
Initial setting: midpoint (BALANCE)
Lets you adjust the balance between front left
and right speakers. You can adjust from L (+1
– +8) to R (+1 – +8) in 1 increment steps.
x Surround speaker balance (
Initial setting: midpoint (BALANCE)
Lets you adjust the balance between surround
left and right speakers. You can adjust from L
(+1 – +8) to R (+1 – +8) in 1 increment steps.
x Center speaker level (CTR)
Initial setting: 0 dB
You can adjust from –10 dB to +10 dB in 1 dB
x Surround speaker level (SURR)
Initial setting: 0 dB
You can adjust from –10 dB to +10 dB in 1 dB
x Subwoofer level (S.W.)
Initial setting: 0 dB
You can adjust from –10 dB to +10 dB in 1 dB
x LFE (Low Frequency Effect) mix level
Initial setting: 0 dB
Lets you attenuate the level of the LFE (Low
Frequency Effect) channel output from the
subwoofer without effecting the level of the
bass frequencies sent to the subwoofer from the
front, center or surround channels via the
Dolby Digital or DTS bass redirection
circuitry. You can adjust from –20 dB to 0 dB
(line level) in 1 dB steps. “0 dB” outputs the
full LFE signal at the mix level determined by
the recording engineer. When set to “OFF”, the
sound of the LFE channel from the subwoofer
is muted. In this case, the low frequency sounds
of the front, center, or surround speakers are
output from the subwoofer.
x Dynamic range compressor (DRC.)
Lets you compress the dynamic range of the
sound track. This may be useful when you want
to watch movies at low volumes late at night.
The dynamic range is not compressed.
The dynamic range is compressed as intended
by the recording engineer.
The dynamic range is compressed dramatically.
Dynamic range compressor lets you to compress the
dynamic range of the soundtrack based on the
dynamic range information included in the Dolby
Digital signal. “STD” is standard compression, but
because many sources have only light compression,
we recommend using the “MAX” setting. This greatly
compresses the dynamic range and lets you view
movies late at night at low volumes. Unlike analog
limiters, the levels are predetermined and provide a
very natural compression.
Dynamic range compression is possible with Dolby
Digital sources only.