Mi c r o w a v e Dr a w e r
KB-6525P, KB-6524P
KB-6525P, KB-6524P
Followed by indicating color: K = black, W = white, S = stainless steel
Customer AssistAnCe ......................................3
PreCAutions to Avoid Possible exPosure to
exCessive miCrowAve energy ............................3
Consumer limited wArrAnty.............................4
imPortAnt sAfety instruCtions .........................5
informAtion you need to know..... .................. 6-8
PArt nAmes..... ...............................................9
before oPerAting ..........................................10
miCrowAve drAwerâ„¢ Cooking ..................... 11-16
other feAtures ........................................ 17-18
CleAning And CAre ........................................ 19
before you CAll for serviCe ...........................20
Cookbook informAtion ................................... 21
Cookbook order form ................................... 21
Auto-touCh guide ..........................23-bACk Cover