Monarch®, Pathfinder® Ultra®, 6039, 9462, and 9465 are trademarks of Paxar Americas, Inc.
Paxar® is a trademark of Paxar Corporation.
Avery Dennison® is a trademark of Avery Dennison Corporation.
TC6039QR Rev. AE 1/08 ©2005 Paxar Americas, Inc. a subsidiary of Avery Dennison Corp.
All Rights Reserved.
This Quick Reference contains supply loading information and general care and
maintenance procedures for the Monarch® Pathfinder® Ultra® Platinum 6039™
printer. For more detailed information, refer to the Operator’s Handbook
available on our Web site (www.paxar.com).
Information in this document supercedes information in previous versions.
Check our Web site for the latest documentation and release information.
Getting Started
1. Review the printer safety information in the Regulatory Compliance
document provided with your printer.
2. Charge the main battery. Use either the Monarch® 9462™ or 9465™ battery
charger. Refer to the documentation with those chargers for more
Important: You must charge the main battery when you receive the printer,
even if you do not use it right away. Refer to the Operator’s
Handbook for important battery safety information.
3. Insert the main battery into the printer.
4. Attach the safety strap found in the documentation package.
5. Load supplies in the printer.
6. Turn on the printer and wait 30 seconds for the desktop to load.
Your System Administrator must have already loaded an application in the
printer before you can use it.