
New – versioN 5 Now availaBle!
dJ software
iMagiNed By dJs, Perfected By NUMark. Numark’s club te sted,
professional–level DJ software and a personal computer are all you
need to create the ultimate mix. Monitor your mix through headphones
and visually on your computer screen. Output your masterpiece to
functionality to podcast on the web.
Every DJ can also be a VJ, using CUE’s built–in video transitions and
effects. CUE supports CD+G formats for a quick and easy Karaoke
setup. You can mix, scratch, juggle and sample audio and video files
interchangeably, without expensive, bulky hardware.
Version 5 includes loads of new enhancements including
FreeFrame plug-in compatibility, Smart Database management,
using the free, downloadable demo available online from
• Mix,scratchandinterchangeaudioorvideo
• NEW Smart Database Management –
Automatically checks database integrity
at launch and fixes errors by cleaning
out missing and removed files
• NEW Global Search – Files are automatically
added to a global search database for quick
retrieval from multiple folders and drives
• NEW Cover art browser automatically
downloads and displays cover artwork
• NEW Video Plug-ins add more powerful
effects and titles to your video presentation
• Industry-leadingstabilityandreliability
• Waveformoverlaycombinesbothdecks
in a single easy to read display
• Built-invideoandaudiomixerswith
multiple video transitions and effects
• Choosefromavarietyofbuilt–ineffects,
add VST plug-ins, and create beat–matched
loops and samples on the fly
• Karaokeplayerwithenhanced
CD+G File Detection shows all
karaoke files in a single click
• Outputvideotoaprojector,TV,ormonitor
• ImprovEd Side List - Automatically lists
tracks added to a deck but never played.
Several new keyboard and controller
shortcuts are now available for the sidelist
• ImprovEd searching - Streamlines
track management
• ImprovEdID3TagSupport–view,search,
• ImprovEd smart auto-mix playlist –
automatically beatmix songs in your
playlist using the best mix method for
each track, and using only one deck!
• NEW Filter Folders – “Smart” folders
automatically update their contents
based on your filtering preferences. Show
all files of a certain type, year, genre,
number of plays, location and more!
• NEW Installation paths for full
Microsoft VISTA compliance
• NEW Integration with third-party applications
(Compatible with Crates and iTunes Playlists)
• NEW Improved Timecode engine
with new timecode plug-ins
• NEW Video Clip Player for “sampler
style” playback of video clips
• AutomaticBPMDetection
• Built–invisualoutputforaudioles
• Slideshowplug-inforvideooutput
• FreeFrameplug-incompatible
• Innovative12–banksampleandloopcontrol
• WorkswithNumark’sDJ|iO,
multi–channel sound cards, USB
mixers, and built–in audio cards
• CompatiblewithexternalDJ
DMC2 and Total Control
• EasilymapstoanyexternalMIDIcontroller
• ImprovEd Play History Management
• Playlistsarenowstoredinaseparate
folder in your documents directory for
easy management and portability
• ImprovEd Upgraded Column
Support – organize music by genre,
artist, BPM, time and more
• Multipleuserinterfacestyourmixingstyle
All information is preliminary and subject to change.