NETGEAR MP101 Stereo System User Manual

User’s Manual for the MP101 Digital Music Player
Troubleshooting A-3
IP Address
If the MP101 is unable to receive a valid IP address, try the following:
Verify that a working DHCP server is on your network. PCs on the network should get IP
addresses in the correct range.
If you are using a wireless network, verify that the MP101 is associated with the correct SSID.
The SSID that is being used can be displayed by following instructions in Displaying Wireless
Link Information on page 3-3.
If you are using a wireless network, verify that the WEP settings on the MP101 match the
settings on your access point. Instructions for setting WEP can be found on page 1-7. If you
are using a passphrase, note that it is case-sensitive. Using the WEP Wizard you can view the
hex key generated by the passphrase algorithm directly. This must match the setting on you
access point.
Connecting to the Server
If the MP101 cannot find the correct server, try the following:
Verify that the NETGEAR Media Server is running on your PC. You should be able to see the
icon in the system tray. If it is not on the network, there will be a red bar through the icon.
Verify that the MP101 and the PC running the Media Server software are on the same subnet
and that they can communicate with each other. In most cases, this means that the first three
fields of the two IP address should be the same. Communication can be verified using the
Windows Ping utility.
1. From the Windows toolbar, click on the Start button and select Run.
2. In the field provided, type ping followed by the IP address of the MP101. Displaying the
IP address is described in Displaying the IP Address on page 3-1.
3. Click on OK. You should see a message like this one:
Pinging <IP address> with 32 bytes of data
If the path is working, you see this message:
Reply from < IP address >: bytes=32 time=NN ms TTL=xxx
If the path is not working, you see this message: