NETGEAR® ReadyNAS™ 3200
Follow these instructions to install your NETGEAR® ReadyNAS™ 3200. Then, consult
the ReadyNAS 3200 User Manual for instructions on configuring and operating your unit.
A link to the ReadyNAS 3200 User Manual is on the Resource CD and on the NETGEAR
support site at http://kbserver.netgear.com. The ReadyNAS Community forum at
http://www.readynas.com/ is a valuable resource for accessing software updates, tips, use
case guidelines, and more. The instructions in this guide assume the unit is using the
factory default X-RAID2 disk configuration.
Estimated completion time: 20 minutes.
Note: A diskless unit requires installing disks and initializing RAID before proceeding.
Go to http://kbserver.netgear.com for a list of supported disks. Refer to the ReadyNAS
3200 User Manual for instructions on installing disks and configuring RAID.
Basic Setup
Follow these steps to set up the unit. Depending on the disks installed, the unit can weigh
over 80 pounds (36 kg). Get assistance as needed for moving the unit.
First, Install the RAIDar Utility
Install the RAIDar utility from the product Resource CD. Windows, MAC and Linux
versions of RAIDar are provided.
Next, Connect the Unit
For initial setup, connect the LAN1 Ethernet port of the ReadyNAS to your network, and
turn it on. It takes about a minute to boot. By default it get its IP address via DHCP.
Log in to the Unit
1. Run the RAIDar utility. It will discover units on the same subnet.
Tip: In your DHCP server, reserve the IP address assigned for your ReadyNAS so that it
always gets this address. This helps assure that mapped drives work consistently on
any operating system.
2. Click the RAIDar Setup button to open a FrontView browser
session with the unit. The login screen will display. The default
user name is admin and the password is netgear1.
The FrontView configuration utility home page displays.
Use the Setup Wizard for Basic Configuration
The Setup Wizard will guide you
through basic setup. Refer to the
ReadyNAS 3200 User Manual for
instructions on configuring options
like backup, VLAN, or user
accounts and quotas.
Note: If you choose to bypass the
Setup Wizard, be sure to configure
and alerts email address, change the
admin password, and provide a
password recovery question.
1. In the factory default state,
when logged in to the unit, Setup Wizard is enabled. Click Next to proceed with the
2. On the Clock tab page, modify
or accept the default timezone,
time, and NTP options. Click
Next to proceed.
3. On the Alerts tab page, provide
at least one email address for
system alerts. Click Next to
4. On the Ethernet 1 tab page,
accept or change the IP address
Click Next to proceed.
5. On the Global Settings tab page, you can modify the unit’s hostname. Also, if you
will use a static IP configuration, you will need to configure the gateway and DNS
settings (you do not have to change these settings if you use the unit in its default
DHCP configuration). Click Next to proceed.
6. On the Admin Password page, change the
system login password, and provide a
recovery question, answer, and email
address. Note these changes. Click Next to
7. On the Security Mode tab page, accept the
default option of “User” which controls
access to shares based on user or group
accounts. FrontView will attempt to use the
first workgroup name it discovers in the network. Otherwise, it will default to
“VOLUME” as the workgroup name. Specify the workgroup name you want the unit
to join. Refer to the ReadyNAS 3200 User Manual for ADS setup instructions. Click
Next to proceed.
8. On the Accounts page, click Add User. Add a new user and user password. Click
Next to finish the wizard. Refer to the ReadyNAS 3200 User Manual for full
instructions on setting up accounts.
This completes the basic setup. Next, you will verify that you can access shares on your
Accessing Your Shared Storage
Follow the steps below to access shares on the ReadyNAS.
Note that, by default, these file sharing protocols are enabled: CIFS, AFP (advertised over
both Bonjour and AFP), HTTP/S. FTP, NFS, iSCSI and Rsync are supported but are not
enabled by default.
Refer to the ReadyNAS 3200 User Manual for instructions on accessing shares from Linux
or Unix workstations, drive mapping, and other file sharing options, including unique
language support for file names such as those that use unicode or ideographic characters.
Accessing Shares from a Windows PC
1. To see a share listing in Windows, either click Browse in RAIDar or enter
\\<ip_address> or \\<hostname> in the Windows Explorer address bar.