Directed Electronics HP400 Headphones User Manual

MMooddeell HHPP440000
UUsseerrss MMaannuuaall
Congratulations on your purchase of the sophis-
ticated, high-tech, Automotive Infrared Stereo
Headphone. These headphones free you from the
entanglement of wires to allow you the maximum
enjoyment of music or video. To ensure maximum
performance of the headphones please read this
manual completely.
SSppeecciiaall FFeeaattuurreess
z 40mm drivers for improved bass response.
z Automatic Level Control to prevent input
signal overloading.
z Utilization of high-frequency infrared light to
assure a clean signal for reception.
z Adjustable headphone band.
z Automatic power OFF (after a few minutes
without a signal source, the power to the
headphones will automatically turn off).
EExxppllaannaattiioonn ooff CCoonnttrroollss
1. Infrared Pickup Sensors - The head pone
receives audio signal from infrared transmitters.
2. Battery Cover
3. Volume Control
4. Power Switch
5. Power Indicator LED
BBaatttteerryy IInnssttaallllaattiioonn
Place 2 alkaline AAA batteries into the battery com-
partment of the headphones. Make sure that the
batteries are installed with the correct polarity.
N88400 10/04
© 2004 Directed Electronics, Inc.