
Intelligence, Security and International Policy
CANON iR4570/iR3570/iR2870/iR2270 SERIES iR SECURITY
Product Description
The Canon iR4570/iR3570/iR2870/iR2270 Series iR Security Kit-B3 is optional software for the Canon
iR4570/iR3570/iR2870/iR2270 series which adds security enhancements to the multifunction device
The Canon MFD is a digital copier that offers the combined functionality of a fax, a scanner and a
printer for the reception, copying, sending, printing and emailing of documents. It is equipped with a
large-capacity hard drive and stores document data there temporarily when performing its functions.
Users may contact their service providers to have the iR Security Kit-B2 V2 installed on the hard disk
drive of their MFD. The Security Kit then replaces the pre-existing device control software, providing
users with hard disk drive encryption and hard disk drive erasure functions. The security of the existing
identication and authentication functions is also enhanced by this installation.
Scope of Evaluation
The scope of the Common Criteria (CC) evaluation included the following functionality:
HDD (Hard Disk Drive) Data Encryption (stored document encryption);
HDD Complete Erasure;
Inbox User Identication and Authentication;
Inbox Management;
System Manager Identication and Authentication;
System Manager Management; and
Secure Communication (Remote User Interface).
Common Criteria Certication Summary
The product has met the requirements of the Common Criteria evaluation assurance level EAL3.
DSD’s Evaluation Findings